Top Posts join the conversation
How do I create an account?
1. After downloading the Top-Posts app, open it up and tap the "New User?" link.
2. Pick a handle. This is your username and this is how other users will know you.
3. Enter in your email address.
4. Enter in your PIN; you will need to enter it twice to confirm.
5. Read the terms and conditions by tapping the information icon (i).
6. Agree to the terms and conditions and then tap the "Create Account" button.
7. You can now access the Top-Posts forums!
How do I use the Top-Posts forums?
Once logged in you have access to all of our hosted forums which can be browsed in a list by scrolling up and down on the "Forums" tab. Tapping on a forum brings up the list of recent conversation threads within that forum; tapping on a thread shows the list of recent posts within that thread and tapping on a posts shows the full content of the post.
When viewing the set of posts within a thread touching the "Write" button at the top right of the screen will give you the option of sending a private message to all other thread users or to add a public post to that thread. When viewing an individual post you can choose to respond with a private message to the author of that post or to add a public post to the same thread.
Forum conten (forum lists, thread lists or post lists) may be refreshed by scrolling to the top of the relevant list and bouncing until the "Refresh" text is displayed.
Found a problem?
If you have found a problem with the Top-Posts app we want to know about it! Please send an email to, including your handle, email address and a thorough description of the problem, and we'll investigate the issue ASAP!